Mirchi FM plays all the latest Bollywood hits.Mirchi FM’s music is from latest releases of Hindi movie songs, to albums, hits of 80’s, 90’s and every five to the hour Mirchi plays the best of 90’s.Mirchi FM Fiji is hottest radio station in FIJI.Mirchi FM is airing entertainment shows like Mast Morning, Saheli, Raftaar, Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hai, Sham-e-Guzarish, Saturday Night Fever, Mohabbato Ka Safar and Saturday Sports. Mirchi FM is essentially a music station featuring a range of popular Hindi songs from the 1990s to present era. Its target audience are young people from the age of 12 to 30 years.Mirchi FM plays bollywood songs,Hindi movie reviews, celebrity interviews.
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Mirchi FM
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