
Radio Maxx

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Radio Maxx is the UK’s first and only ultra-interactive App-based Indian radio station.  Radio Maxx is an “All the Hits, All the time” format Bollywood web-station that uses the powers of modern interactive technology to provide maximum music, entertainment & giveaways, making it a trusted source of infotainment for the UK Indian diaspora.The specialist ‘feelwala’ sound of the station will be definitely relatable for us as Indians. The professional programming and production are done by a truly passionate & radio experienced NRI team – from the UK, Australia, Dubai, and our desiwala team based in India.

The most popular topics covered by the station are Bollywood, local & national news, events, sports (Cricket, Football, and so on), health and lifestyle, celebrity interviews, and local community news/events. On Sundays the station focuses on regional-based programming, and supports local community and artists.  Radio Maxx – Maximum Feelwala Station! Radio Maxx bollywood radio station online Live.

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